Mobo International, the mother company behind Club Mobile, is the brainchild of Mr. Faisal Mehmood, Chief Executive of Club Mobile. His broad vision and new strategies have not only contributed a lot to the telecomssector in Pakistan, but he has also brought a revolutionary technological progress with his committed business expertise.
In the perspective of making cell phone a public commodity, Club Mobile broke the barrier of expense with affordable prices, bringing down the domination of multinational brands. Despite the fact the Club Mobile provides an elegant look and astounding services, our mobile phones are not beyond the range of a common person.
‘Club 95’ was the first model launched by our company that provided amenities like good resolution Camera, FM Radio, Bluetooth, Mp3 and Mp4 players and Touch Screen service. This model became a massive hit and was seen as the ‘next big thing’ among the youth of the country.
The rise of post-modernity has revolutionized the world in every manner. Over the past couple of decades humanity has increasingly turned to technology as the great enabler. Through the capabilities that technology offers, undreamed heights of scientific progress have been raised in an amazingly short span of time. The hi-tech world we live in, demands us to accomplish the essential pace of communication. Club Mobile, being one of the most advanced cellular companies in Pakistan, has always emphasized to facilitate its users in such a way that take them to another level of technological experience.
We have a portfolio of terrific devices, with an astonishing scale and unmatched geographic reach- that is one of the greatest assets our solutions strategy leverages. Our foremost goal is to provide desired solutions to our consumers. We couple mobile solutions with smart services, integrated via an intuitive and seamless user experience. Club Mobile aspire to make users feel an innovative ambiance, they have never experienced before.Courtesy:
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